Research News

The immune system in AD

Dr. Maria Teresa Ferretti was awarded a three-year research grant from the Synapsis foundation to study the role of the immune system in Alzheimer’s disease. Together with co-applicants Dr. Luka Kulic and Prof. Britta Engelhardt […]

Research News

Improve post-stroke hand function

EIT Health has awarded an innovation project aimed at developing a new technology for improving hand function in post-stroke patients. Prof. Volker Dietz of the Balgrist University Hospital and Dr. Miriam Schrafl-Altermatt, together with the […]

Research News

New tools to fight JC virus

Prof. Roland Martin and colleagues, together with the company Neurimmune, have developed recombinant antibodies as potential treatment of a serious infectious disease of the brain caused by the human polyoma tumor virus JC. What is […]

Research News

HMZ seed funding for ZurichMOVE

How do we know whether training or medical therapy is successful in patients with movement deficits? This question prompted Profs. William Taylor, Armin Curt and Roger Gassert to start the project ZurichMOVE. Its goal is […]

Research News

Changes in sensory processing during learning

How is sensory information processing changing during learning? In their experiments published in Nature Neuroscience, Jerry Chen, Fritjof Helmchen and colleagues have made a significant step towards understanding the modulation of the neural signal pathways […]

Research News

Geared for choice

Our brain is geared to make choices, but how does this work and which brain regions are involved? Research by Marcus Grueschow, Christian Ruff and colleagues has for the first time broken apart the value […]

Research News

Color proves multipotency

How multipotent are neural crest cells and is their fate determined before they migrate? This long-standing controversy has now been ended by the work of Prof. Lukas Sommer of the Institute of Anatomy, UZH, and […]