In the Spotlight

Social behavior effects of ecstasy

Ecstasy is a social club drug that enhances open interactions with others. A new study by Michael Wunderli and Prof. Boris Quednow of the Psychiatric University Hospital shows that individuals with superior social skills are […]


The busy bees of our brain

Andrea Spinnler of the Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology took part in the PhD thesis competition of network Universitas 21. Andrea Spinnler from the group of Prof. Steven A. Brown presented her research about the […]


People behind the science

Who are the scientists at the ZNZ? In this post, the second of this new series initiated by the ZNZ Gender Equality Committee, two scientists talk about their motivation, inspiration and how they manage their […]

Research News

Learning to sing a song

How do songbirds learn the complex task of singing a song? Prof. Hahnloser of the Institute of Neuroinformatics and colleagues have demonstrated that zebra finches do this by dividing the complex task up into several […]

Calls for Proposals

TDA supports ideas for new therapies

What if all academic researchers had the time, the money and the expertise to turn their promising discoveries into life-saving drugs? A new unit initiated by the University of Zurich, the Therapy Development Accelerator (TDA), […]


Welcome to the ZNZ

The ZNZ welcomes its new group leaders. Read on to learn about their research interests. Dr. Valerio Zerbi Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich Valerio uses MRI-based connectomic mapping in animal models, in combination […]


Meeting for Minds

On February 8th, 2018, the non-profit organization Meeting for Minds (M4M) will organize the event SYNERGIES in Lausanne. Representatives from EPFL, the Clinical Neuroscience Department of Bern University, and the Neuroscience Center Zurich will come […]


Recent publications by ZNZ members

Read here about recent papers published by members of the Neuroscience Center Zurich. Does motivation matter in upper-limb rehabilitation after stroke? ArmeoSenso-Reward: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2017 Dec 02;18(1):580 Authors: Widmer […]