The ZNZ has endorsed the ALBA Declaration on Equity and Inclusion. The goal is to foster a fair and diverse scientific community within the ZNZ.
Members of underrepresented groups face persistent barriers to equitable representation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), particularly at advanced stages. Although the historical basis for and manifestations of underrepresentation vary by group, discipline, and region, there are striking commonalities in the final result – an apparent ‘leaky pipeline’ that drains the talent pool. The cost of this loss of talent is high – for individuals, for research, and for society as a whole. The ALBA Network was founded by a group of leading scientists and aims to promote equity and diversity in the brain sciences. The ALBA Declaration on Equity and Inclusion is a document that serves as a resource for concrete, positive, evidence-based actions that individuals and organizations at any level can take to promote equity & inclusivity. It focuses specifically on two contributing factors to perpetual underrepresentation in STEM: implicit bias & workplace culture. The ZNZ Equity and Inclusion Committee is tasked with implementing the concrete actions outlined in the ALBA Declaration in a continuous dialogue with the ZNZ community.