Welcome to the community

We are proud to welcome our new members. Read on to learn about their research expertise, their motivations and what they love about Zurich.

Name and Surname: Marina Herwerth
Position: SNSF Ambizione Group Leader
Institute: Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UZH and Neurology Department, University Hospital Zurich

Research focus: My research delves into understanding the mechanisms and dynamics underlying the formation and recovery of autoimmune neuroinflammatory lesions, utilizing various imaging techniques. Through this exploration, I aim to gain deeper insights and pave the way for the development of neuroprotective strategies in neuroinflammation.
Last professional stations: I used to work as an attending physician in the Neurology Department at the University Hospital Zurich – where I am still in charge as senior physician today – and as a postdoc at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UZH.
My motivation to do my research: What I like most about science is the challenge to exceed the limits of our way of thinking in an interdisciplinary and undogmatic endeavor.
My insider tip for Zurich: I suggest watching the sunset from Zurichberg.
Contact: https://www.pharma.uzh.ch/en/research/functionalimaging.html