The Healthy Brain

How does the brain stay healthy and what can we do to prevent brain disorders? This year’s BrainFair is all about the healthy brain. From 11-15 March, experts review the field in panel discussions and presentations. With topics such as training memory, increasing brain power, sleep and diet, the BrainFair offers an attractive program for the public audience.

How does our brain stay healthy? An obvious thought is: What is good for the body also has a positive effect on the brain and mind. This assumption is the subject of many current research projects worldwide. What is the influence of exercise, nutrition, music or sleep on the brain, and can we protect ourselves preventively against the illnesses of the brain, which are often chronic and usually hardly curable? Is it beneficial to actively train brain functions such memory or the ability to learn or to always avoid stress?

This year’s BrainFair invites the public to participate in discussion forums, with short introductory speeches about the latest research in the field and discussions with the audience.

School program
As part of the BrainFair, each year a program is organized for school classes, where researchers from the ZNZ will speak on various topics related to brain research. The program is popular and attracted registrations from 30 school classes with several hundred pupils.


  • When: Monday 11 March until Friday 15 March 2019
  • Where: University Hospital Zurich, Grosser Hörsaal NORD I, Frauenklinikstrasse 10, Zurich and Grosser Hörsaal OST, Gloriastrasse 29, Zurich
  • Admission: free
  • Language: Lectures and presentations are in German
  • Program: BrainFair Flyer
  • More information: BrainFair web page