
Cellular big bang of multiple sclerosis

Florian Ingelfinger, an immunologist at the University of Zürich, has won the Pfizer Research Award. Ingelfinger was studying Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an autoimmunity disease causing inflammatory reactions in the central nervous system and the spinal […]

Research News

From nose to brain

Antibodies against specific target molecules or structures in the brain and spinal cord are currently reaching the stage of clinical application for several neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, and spinal cord injury. How […]


ETH medals for doctoral theses

Two doctoral theses at the ZNZ PhD Program in Neuroscience were awarded the ETH medal 2022. We congratulate the award winners and wish them all the best for their future research careers. The medal winners […]

Research News

Blots and brains

A scene as if from a movie: A psychiatrist’s practice. On the soft and comfortable chair sits a patient. On the other side of the desk, the renowned psychiatrist. In the psychiatrist’s hands: A piece […]