Two UZH neuroscientists have been awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Starting Grant. Frank Scharnowski and Melanie Greter receive around CHF 1.5 million each for their projects.
In total, twenty-seven outstanding young researchers have received an SNSF Starting Grant. The SNSF awards these grants because Swiss researchers are temporarily excluded from grants of the EU framework research program Horizon 2020.
Of all Swiss research institutions, the UZH received the largest share of these grants: 8 of the starting grants went to researchers of the University of Zurich, two of which went to Neuroscientists: Frank Scharnowski, Clinic for Affective Disorders and General Psychiatry, Psychiatric University Hospital, has received the grant for his project «Treatment of Human Brain Dysfunction with Neurofeedback» and Melanie Greter, Institute of Experimental Immunology, has obtained the grant for her project «Targeting the Mononuclear Phagocyte System: Generating Specificity within Heterogeneity».