New Members Summer 2014

The Neuroscience Center Zurich welcomes its new members.

New ZNZ research group leader:

delbruck_tProf. Tobi Delbruck
Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH and ETH Zurich
Prof. Delbruck’s main research interest is in neuromorphic and bio-inspired electronic engineering, in particular electronic vision systems and robotics.
His research group encompasses 15 persons.


New junior research group leaders:

UnschuldPaul G. Unschuld, MD
Division of Psychiatry Research and Psychogeriatric Medicine, PUK, UZH

Dr. Unschuld is attending physician of the memory loss outpatient clinic and head of the MRI research group of the Division.



Christian Mayr, PhD, PD
Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH and ETH Zurich

PD Dr. Mayr is focusing on neurally-inspired bionics, neurobiological interfaces and biohybrids. He is currently working on two projects which target neuromorphic interfaces to in-vitro cultures.
Group: 1 PhD student


New PhD students:


Njoud Aldusary; Group of Spyros Kollias, Neuroradiology Clinic, University Hospital Zurich
Laura Jabinet; Group of Esther Stoeckli; Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, UZH
Laurent Schuepbach; Group of  Peter Brugger; Neurology Clinic, University Hospital Zurich
Rebecca Das Gupta; Group Ueli Zeilhofer; Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, UZH

6-7. 2014

Gunda Johannes; Group of Wolfgang Langhans; Institute of Food, Health and Nutrition, ETH
Maurice Göldi; Group of Reto Huber; University Children’s Hospital, Kispi
Gregor Schuhknecht; Group of Kevan Martin; Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH/ETH