ETH Zurich is a partner in the European EIT Health Consortium. For 2018, three new projects with ETH participation will receive funding by the Consortium. In one of these projects, an innovation project led by ETH, a new digital biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease will be validated.
There is an increasing need for inexpensive and noninvasive diagnostic tools for early detection of dementia that do not require a specialist. In the innovation project, Dr. Ioannis Tarnanas, senior researcher at the ETH Center for Digital Health Interventions, together with the start-up Altoida and several other universities, will validate a prototype smartphone-based biomarker. The prototype continuously tracks everyday cognition and combines different mobile phone activity data layers using machine learning techniques to estimate the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
The project “EU Health MAPS” with partners from Oxford University, Karolinska Institutet and others will analyze how to access the health market in Europe. Key point is to understand how different markets work, including reimbursement and procurement arrangements, and make this knowledge available to innovators in MOOCs and courses.
Led by Oxford University and Imperial College, ETH Zurich and other partners will participate in the program “EIT Health Doctoral Transition Fellowships”. The aim is to address the funding gap between completion of the doctoral thesis and obtaining further seed funding. It attempts to tackle key barriers to innovation in the context of academic and research institutions, particularly by supporting entrepreneurial activities.
The coordinators of ETH participation in EIT Health are Wolfgang Knecht, Neuroscience Center Zurich and D-HEST, and Bill Taylor, Laboratory for Movement Biomechanics at D-HEST
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