Inaugural Lectures

We congratulate the following researchers on their inaugural lectures last fall.

On October 7th, Paul Sauseng took the audience to a journey discovering the connection between brain and behavior with «Itʼs swinging in the brain – wie uns rhythmische Hirnaktivität hilft, menschliches Denken und Handeln besser zu verstehen» (in German). On November 4th, Mariëtte van Loon showed the students «The Power of Self-Insight: Metacognitive Development from Childhood to Adulthood». Then, on November 18th, Giorgia Ramponi dived into the difficult topic of decision-making «Learning to Act: Reinforcement Learning and the Future of Decision-Making».

Later the same month, on November 23rd, Isaac Canals talked about «Unravelling disease mechanisms of neuronopathic lysosomal storage disorders using cutting-edge human models». Finally, on December 4th, with intriguing subject «Episodic Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampus» Xiaomin Zhang gave her first lecture at the university of Zürich.

Image: Screenshot from inaugural lecture of Xiaomin Zhang