The ZNZ is proud to welcome its new members.
New Group Leaders
PD Dr. med. Marian Christoph Neidert
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Zurich

Many brain tumors carry a poor prognosis despite surgery, radiotherapy as well as chemotherapy. Novel therapeutic approaches are urgently needed. Due to the efficacy and precision of the human immune system, T cell-based immunotherapy is one of the most promising strategies. A major challenge for developing effective immunotherapies is the definition of suitable targets. Our research group is involved in mapping the antigenic landscape of brain tumors including an in-depth characterization of infiltrating immune cells. The ultimate goal of our efforts is the development of translational immunotherapy concepts. More
PD Dr. med. Christof Röösli
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital Zurich

Bone conduction hearing is an alternative pathway for sound reaching the inner ear. This includes the vibration of the tissue that is transmitted by several pathways to the cochlea. Our focus is to investigate these transmission pathways using an experimental approach, as well as computational and physical models. The goal is to gain a profound understanding of bone conduction hearing to lay the basis for the development of novel hearing aids. We are an interdisciplinary research team of graduates from different specialties in acoustics, vibro-mechanics and electrophysiology. More
PD Dr. Susanne Becker
Department of Chiropractic Medicine, Balgrist University Hospital and UZH

Research Focus: The experience of pain is more than the conscious perception of nociceptive signals. Emotional and motivational aspects accompany pain, leading to its aversiveness and motivation for escape and avoidance. We explore mechanisms of dissociations of emotional-motivational and sensory-discriminative components of pain in health and disease states. More
Dr. med Hans-Georg Wirsching
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich and UZH

Our research focus is on the development of genetic mouse models of glioblastoma and subsequent application of these models for drug development. We also investigate the evolution of the genomic-immunologic landscape of glioblastoma under chemoradiotherapy. More
New Junior Group Leader
Dr. med. univ. Dr. phil. Philipp Homan
Laboratory for Individual Differences in Psychosis, Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich

We study the neurobiological origins and clinical consequences of individual differences in psychotic disorders. Specifically, we are interested in understanding those subgroups of patients who respond unfavorably to standard treatment and for whom alternative treatment options early in their course of illness are warranted. We combine randomized clinical trials with multimodal neuroimaging as well as computational modeling to characterize those subgroups and to develop predictive models that will contribute to a more stratified medicine in psychiatry. More