Fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for Richard Hahnloser

Richard Hahnloser from ETH Zurich and UZH has received a distinguished fellowship at Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for 2024–25. This award highlights his research and gives him the opportunity to collaborate with leading global scholars. Every year, IAS hosts over 250 renowned researchers and academics, chosen through a rigorous selection process, to foster cross-disciplinary innovation. Notable past IAS faculty include Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer.


Useful links:
Institute for advanced studies: https://www.ias.edu/
Richard Hahnloser: https://ee.ethz.ch/de/departement/professoren/professoren-kontaktdetails/person-detail.NTI3MDk=.TGlzdC80MTEsMTA1ODA0MjU5.html

Image: Taton Moïse, Unsplash