
Anesthesia’s effect on the brain

In his inaugural lecture PD Dr. med José A. Aguirre, Senior Consultant Anesthesia at Balgrist University Hospital discussed the risk of brain damage during anesthesia, especially in older patients with pre-existing cognitive impairment, and presented […]


From brain waves to decisions

In his inaugural lecture, Prof. Rafael Polania, presented his work on understanding brain function and mechanisms and shared his research plans on early detection and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Rafael Polania was appointed Professor at […]


Farewell lecture Markus Rudin

In his farewell lecture Prof. Markus Rudin gave an overview over his work on the frontiers in biomedical imaging. Markus Rudin was Full Professor of Molecular Imaging and Functional Pharmacology since 2005. He made important […]


Science stories: Regeneration

In the newest edition of Science Stories of EU Grants Access, Armin Curt talks about the Horizon 2020 NISCI project, a clinical trial for people with spinal cord injury. Prof. Armin Curt of Balgrist University […]


Passion for Neuroscience

Nine scientists share their passion for neuroscience with lay interviewers in a video produced for the ZNZ BrainWeekend that took place September 8-9, 2018. This beautifully made video features interviews with Adriano Aguzzi, Patrick Freund, […]


Brain doping

What can we do to optimize the performance of our brain? The Swiss television program Einstein asked this question and tested different approaches to brain doping. The episode features interviews with Prof. Boris Quednow of […]


Impact of stress on the brain

In his inaugural lecture, Professor Johannes Bohacek of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology, provided an overview of his work on the impact of stress on the brain.Watch the video to hear about his […]


The busy bees of our brain

Andrea Spinnler of the Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology took part in the PhD thesis competition of network Universitas 21. Andrea Spinnler from the group of Prof. Steven A. Brown presented her research about the […]


Real-Time Learning and Computing

Prof. Giacomo Indiveri presents at the TCE Workshop: 2017 Stephen and Sharon Seiden Frontiers in Engineering and Science at the Technion in Haifa. In his talk he explains new event-based neuromorphic memristive architectures. Memristors are […]


New Findings on Psilocybin & LSD

Dr. Rainer Krähenmann presented new findings on mechanisms of action of psilocybin and LSD at the Psychedelic Science 2017 Conference. Rainer Krähenmann of the Psychiatric University Hospital Zurich discusses neurobiological and psychological mechanisms of action […]