
Martin Schwab’s Farewell Lecture

Prof. Martin Schwab retires from ETH. In his farewell lecture he will review his scientific journey from the idea of neurite growth inhibition, via discovery of the inhibitory molecule to bedside therapy to enhance regeneration […]


Seminar Series NVG Network

PhD students of the Neuro-Vascular-Glia Network organized a new seminar series for early-career scientists. The goal is to broaden their knowledge of the biology of different brain cell types, experimental approaches and potential clinical applications. […]


ZNZ Symposium – Don’t miss it

Attend the 2019 ZNZ symposium on Thursday, 12 September. Hear about memory during sleep in the Volker Henn Lecture by Prof. Jan Born, neuronal circuitry controlling motor behavior in the Koetser lecture by Prof. Silvia […]


PhD students in the clinic

A record number of 65 doctoral students participated in this year’s annual ZNZ PhD Retreat in the Neurorehabilitation Clinic Valens in May. Students of the ZNZ are coming from diverse backgrounds like biology, medicine, engineering, […]


Molecular logic of neural circuits

Prof. Thomas Südhof, Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine 2013, held the first Konrad-Akert Lecture on 5 June 2019. The new lecture series is organized by the Brain Research Institute in honor of Konrad […]


The Healthy Brain

How does the brain stay healthy and what can we do to prevent brain disorders? This year’s BrainFair is all about the healthy brain. From 11-15 March, experts review the field in panel discussions and […]


Marian Diamond movie screening

To celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, the Gender Equality Committee invites you for a free screening of an award-winning documentary that chronicles the life and scientific contribution of one of the most influential […]


PhD Retreat @ Roche HQ

Roche headquarters in Basel opened their doors to 30 PhD students from various institutes, who came together on 4-5 October 2018, to present to each other their projects in talks and posters. At the same […]


Highlights ZNZ Symposium 2018

More than 350 researchers participated in the Symposium on 13 Sept 2018, and discussed their current research projects in 90 poster presentations, parallel workshops and short talks. The Volker-Henn Lecture was given by Prof. Wolfram […]


ZNZ Strategy Workshop in Au

Over 60 research group leaders participated in the one-day workshop on 19 April 2018 at Schloss Au. The meeting aimed at finding strategies to pool resources in new ways to strengthen neuroscience research and training […]