How does the brain formulate words and sentences and transform them into speech? How do we process sounds to make sense of what we hear? How do we learn new languages? And how does hearing decline with age? Step into the fascinating world of speech and hearing and learn more about these and many other questions.
Speaking involves numerous neuronal mechanisms, from structuring ideas into phrases to mechanically producing the sounds we utter. Similarly, hearing and understanding speech require equally complex brain processes. And animals have languages as well – which show parallels to human communications but also differ in certain aspects.
Join the BrainFair to explore this captivating topic through panel discussions, short talks, and live demonstrations, and discover what current research has uncovered about the science of speech and hearing.
When: 10. – 15. March 2025
Where: University Hospital Zurich
Language: German
Link: https://www.brainfair.uzh.ch/de.html
Image: University of Zurich, BrainFair