ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in Schlieren

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge was started to create awareness of research in rare diseases such as ALS, and to increase funding for research on these diseases. It has become quite a social-media-hype in the last few months with high profile participants including several celebrities such as Christiano Ronaldo and Bill Gates. One must be nominated to take up the challenge. Once a person is nominated she has 24 hours to either post a video showing them pouring a bucket of ice water over themselves, or contribute towards ALS research. When nominated to take up the challenge Prof. Lawrence Rajendran (Laboratory for Systems and Cell Biology of Neurodegeneration ) decided to do it differently by saying, “Since it affects – though pretty badly – only a few, not many pharmaceutical partners are interested in investing in research and development. Hence contributions to diseases like ALS are very important”. He called out to all researchers at Schlieren campus to participate, and many gathered outside the institute to take up the challenge and collectively nominate Joseph Jimenez – CEO of Novartis, Severin Schwan – CEO of Roche, and Martin Vetterli – President of the Swiss National Science Foundation, to encourage and increase funding for research on rare diseases.

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