3R Hub for researchers working with animals

Replace, reduce, refine—these are the three guiding principles of animal research aimed at minimizing harm to animals. In March 2024, ETH Zurich launched the 3R Hub to promote these principles.

The hub’s mission is to raise awareness of the 3Rs and support researchers working with animals. This includes offering training on how to apply the principles and facilitating exchanges with experts. Its primary goal is to develop and share methods that improve the use of animals in research while reducing their burden. The hub is led by Oliver Sturman, who has implemented advanced, animal-friendly behavioral analysis in collaboration with Roche. It is affiliated with Johannes Bohacek’s research group, which is currently working on three projects funded by the Swiss 3R Competence Center. One of these projects focuses on developing more efficient methods for behavioral studies using AI.
The 3R Hub is a valuable resource which benefits researchers and laboratory animals alike.

Link: https://ethz.ch/staffnet/en/news-and-events/internal-news/archive/2024/04/eth-zurich-launches-3r-hub-to-establish-methods-that-improve-animal-experiments.html

Image: © ETH Zurich / Alessandro Della Bella