
Recent Publications by ZNZ Members

Read here about recent papers published by members of the Neuroscience Center Zurich. Subsecond Ensemble Dynamics of Orexin Neurons Link Sensation and ActionFront Neurol Neurosci. 2021;45:52-60.doi: 10.1159/000514957. Epub 2021 May 28.Author: Denis Burdakov Conductive Hearing Loss with […]


Inauguration of Oliver Gero Bosch

We congratulate Oliver Gero Bosch on his habilitation. The researcher from the Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics at the Psychiatric Hospital Zurich held in April his inaugural lecture as PD at the Aula of […]


Welcome to the ZNZ Community

We welcome the newest members to the ZNZ. With knowledge, experience and a curious mind, they will certainly contribute to new insights in neuroscience. Prof. Dr. med. Luca RegliResearch Group Leader -Department of Neurosurgery, University […]


Documentary Starring Lutz Jäncke

Last month, a new documentary about fear has started in Zurich cinemas. Amongst several experts from neuroscience, psychology and politics, Lutz Jäncke explains the phenomenon. The Scent of Fear takes you on a journey across […]


Konrad Akert Lecture 2021

Prof. Catherine Dulac is a world-renowned scientist and made a number of seminal discoveries underlying the neurobiology of social behavior. Recently, she identified how the mouse brain regulates crucial mating and parenting behavior. On June […]


Always Learning

The Swiss Society for Neuroscience prepares for the challenges and opportunities ahead. The new president-elect of the Society, Prof. Valerio Mante of the Institute of Neuroinformatics, explains what is to come. Since its inception in […]

Research News

Establishing A New Biomarker for Epilepsy

High-frequency brain waves (HFO) have been initially established as epilepsy biomarkers using electrodes that are implanted directly into the brain. Recently, these brain waves have also been recorded in the non-invasive scalp EEG, indicating their […]


Quo Vadis, ZNZ Newsletter?

The ZNZ Newsletter wants to develop further. We would like to know from you where the journey could go. What topics are you missing, what would you like to see more of? Vote on which […]