In the Spotlight

Multiple Sclerosis’ Heterogeneity

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a highly heterogeneous disease. Patients respond differently to medications and have disease prognoses that vary greatly. The new Clinical Research Priority Program (CRPP) PrecisionMS looks at how therapies can be adapted […]


Highlights ZNZ Symposium 2019

Poster sessions, short talks and awards. Read about what the buzzing neuroscience community discussed during the ZNZ Symposium on 12 Sept 2019. 320 Researchers attended, and 80 posters showed the broad spectrum of neuroscience research […]


Science Stories with Giacomo Indiveri

In this Science Stories video clip, Prof. Giacomo Indiveri talks about his work on building artificial brains and the importance of EU project funding to achieve this high-level scientific research. Giacomo Indiveri is professor at […]

Research News

Stress Networks in the Brain

What changes in the brain upon a stressful event? Dr. Valerio Zerbi and colleagues at the ETH Zurich have shown for the first time that selective release of the neurotransmitter noradrenaline reconfigures communication between large-scale […]


New @ the ZNZ

The ZNZ is growing! We are happy to welcome seven new group leaders. Group Leaders: Prof. Nora Maria Raschle Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, University of Zurich We study typical and atypical brain development […]


Ophthalmology Award

Praveena Manogaran and Christine Walker have developed a new model with which substances can be tested to protect the vision of MS patients in the future. For this they have received the Swiss OpthAWARD. Multiple […]

Calls for Proposals

Grants for Child Care Support

Going to a conference or a business trip and you have small children that need child care? Students and staff of the ETH can now apply for a Robert Gnehm Grant. The Grant provides funding […]


Martin Schwab’s Farewell Lecture

Prof. Martin Schwab retires from ETH. In his farewell lecture he will review his scientific journey from the idea of neurite growth inhibition, via discovery of the inhibitory molecule to bedside therapy to enhance regeneration […]

Research News

New Microscope Reveals Stunning Detail

Fabian Voigt at the Brain Research Institute of UZH has developed a novel light-sheet microscope that allows high-throughput imaging of large volumes of cleared biological tissue. This mesoscale selective plane illumination microscope (mesoSPIM) is now […]