
Welcome to the ZNZ

The Neuroscience Center Zurich welcomes its new members. New ZNZ research group leaders: PD Dr. med. Mira Katan Kahles Department of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich Dr. Katan identifies (using OMICS-methods) and validates (conducting clinical studies […]


Gender Equality: News from the SNSF

Despite the increasing number of female PhD graduates, few are appointed to senior academic positions. To encourage women to pursue their academic career, the SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) introduces a new funding scheme. PRIMA […]


PhD Award for Uli Herrmann

Dr. Uli Herrmann received this year’s ZNZ Best PhD Award for his work on a new substance that blocks propagation of prion proteins and increases survival in prion-infected mice. The prize that comes with a […]


Register now: KNZ Symposium 2015

The Clinical Neurocenter (KNZ) of the University Hospital Zurich announces its annual symposium on 26 November. The symposium will focus on neuro-oncology with a special emphasis on the diagnostics and therapy of gliomas. Professor Paul […]

Calls for Proposals

Third call for projects and travel awards

The McGill-Oxford-ZNZ Partnership in the Neurosciences promotes collaborative research between the three neuroscience centers. The partners are happy to announce a third call for joint projects and graduate student awards. Joint projects/workshops for principal investigators […]